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An implementation of multiscale modeling approach to study radiation effects in cladding materials
104 2 2019-11-20
Major Breakthroughs in Orano Vitrification History
77 3 2019-11-20
The Progress and experiences of radioactive waste management in Sweden
72 2 2019-11-20
Current Status and Development of Nuclear Power in Japan after the Fukushima-daiichi accident
69 3 2019-11-20
High, intermediate and low level radioactive waste disposal in France
61 3 2019-11-20
Present State of CN MCF and Future Plan
55 2 2019-11-20
The Environmental Impact of Nuclear Energy
51 2 2019-11-20
Geological Desposal of High Level Radioactive Waste in China and Plan for URL Development
83 2 2019-11-20
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