Bayes-Optimal Unsupervised Learning for Channel Estimation in Near-Field Holographic MIMO
Wentao YuHengtao HeXianghao YuShenghui SongJun ZhangRoss MurchKhaled B. Letaief
Keywords:Channel estimationBayes methodsNoise levelCorrelationAccuracyMIMO communicationUnsupervised learningUnsupervised LearningChannel EstimationNeural NetworkDenoisingScoring FunctionDynamic EnvironmentUnknown EnvironmentPractical DeploymentElectromagnetic EnvironmentOnline MannerReal-world DeploymentNear-field RegionExtensive Simulation ResultsNoise Level EstimationGaussian NoiseInvertibleScatterersAntenna ArrayChannel ModelEffective ChannelMinimum Mean Square Error EstimatorMutual Coupling EffectMinimum Mean Square ErrorNormalized Mean Square ErrorNonlinear EstimationMatrix-vector ProductUniform Linear ArrayLinear Minimum Mean Square ErrorAngular DomainMaximum A PosterioriHolographic MIMOMMSE channel estimationunsupervised learningscore matchingPCAmessage passing
Abstracts:Holographic MIMO (HMIMO) is being increasingly recognized as a key enabling technology for 6G wireless systems through the deployment of an extremely large number of antennas within a compact space to fully exploit the potentials of the electromagnetic (EM) channel. Nevertheless, the benefits of HMIMO systems cannot be fully unleashed without an efficient means to estimate the high-dimensional channel, whose distribution becomes increasingly complicated due to the accessibility of the near-field region. In this paper, we address the fundamental challenge of designing a low-complexity Bayes-optimal channel estimator in near-field HMIMO systems operating in unknown EM environments. The core idea is to estimate the HMIMO channels solely based on the Stein' s score function of the received pilot signals and an estimated noise level, without relying on priors or supervision that is not feasible in practical deployment. A neural network is trained with the unsupervised denoising score matching objective to learn the parameterized score function. Meanwhile, a principal component analysis (PCA)-based algorithm is proposed to estimate the noise level leveraging the low-rank near-field spatial correlation. Building upon these techniques, we develop a Bayes-optimal score-based channel estimator for fully-digital HMIMO transceivers in a closed form. The optimal score-based estimator is also extended to hybrid analog-digital HMIMO systems by incorporating it into a low-complexity message passing algorithm. The (quasi-) Bayes-optimality of the proposed estimators is validated both in theory and by extensive simulation results. In addition to optimality, it is shown that our proposal is robust to various mismatches and can quickly adapt to dynamic EM environments in an online manner thanks to its unsupervised nature, demonstrating its potential in real-world deployment.
DoDo: Double DOE Optical System for Multishot Spectral Imaging
Sergio UrreaRoman JacomeM. Salman AsifHenry ArguelloHans Garcia
Keywords:Image reconstructionEncodingImagingOptical sensorsOptical imagingImage codingOptical filtersOptical SystemSpectral ImagingDiffractive Optical ElementsPeak Signal-to-noise RatioReconstruction PerformanceReconstructed Image QualityDeformable MirrorSpectral ReconstructionNeural NetworkSignal-to-noiseOptimization ProblemDeep Neural NetworkSpectral BandsParametrizedConvolution OperationWavefrontPoint Spread FunctionWavefieldAdjoint OperatorCurve ResultsHeight MapZernike PolynomialsStructural Similarity Index MeasureOptical AberrationsProximal OperatorPhase EncodingOptical EncoderSensor PointsUpdate RuleSimulation ResultsDeep learningimage codingimage processingimage reconstructioninverse problemshyperspectral imagingoptical diffractionoptical imagingsignal processing algorithms
Abstracts:Snapshot Compressive Spectral Imaging Systems (SCSI) compress the scenes by capturing 2D projections of the encoded underlying signals. A decoder, trained with pre-acquired datasets, reconstructs the spectral images. SCSI systems based on diffractive optical elements (DOE) provide a small form factor and the single DOE can be optimized in an end-to-end manner. Since the spectral image is highly compressed in a SCSI system based on a single DOE, the quality of image reconstruction can be insufficient for diverse spectral imaging applications. This work proposes a multishot spectral imaging system employing a double-phase encoding with a double DOE architecture (DoDo), to improve the spectral reconstruction performance. The first DOE is fixed and provides the benefits of the diffractive optical systems. The second DOE provides the variable encoding of the multishot architectures. The work presents a differentiable mathematical model for the multishot DoDo system and optimizes the parameters of the DoDo architecture in an end-to-end manner. The proposed system was tested using simulations and a hardware prototype. To obtain a low-cost system, the implementation uses a deformable mirror for the variable DOE. The proposed DoDo system shows an improvement of up to 4 dB in PSNR in the reconstructed spectral images compared with the single DOE system.
Wideband Near-Field Integrated Sensing and Communication With Sparse Transceiver Design
Xiangrong WangWeitong ZhaiXianghua WangMoeness G. AminKaiquan Cai
Keywords:SensorsWidebandAntenna arraysTransceiversLocation awarenessQuality of serviceVectorsNear Field CommunicationWideband CommunicationService QualitySparsityCommunication PerformanceDistance EstimationJoint OptimizationSignal BandwidthMutual CouplingCommunication CapacityCramer-Rao Lower BoundLarge-scale ArrayNear-field RegionSystem OverheadSignal ModelBottom Of PageElevation AnglePower ConstraintTrace Of MatrixOrthogonal Frequency Division MultiplexingDirection Of Arrival EstimationRadar ReceiverAntenna SelectionCommunication UsersSteering VectorUniform ArrayRadar TargetArray ConfigurationRadar Cross SectionPreset ThresholdIntegrated sensing and communicationWidebandNear-fieldSparse transceiver arrayBeamforming
Abstracts:With the deployment of extremely large-scale array (XL-array) operating at the high frequency bands in future wireless systems, integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) is expected to function in the electromagnetic near-field region with a potential distance of hundreds of meters. Also, a wide signal bandwidth is employed to benefit both communication capacity and sensing resolution. However, most existing works assume a far-field narrowband model, which has prohibited their practical applications in future ISAC systems. In this article, we propose a near-field wideband ISAC framework for concurrent multi-user downlink communications and multi-target localization. In particular, the expression of Cramer Rao Bound (CRB) of direction-of-arrival (DOA) and distance estimations for sensing multiple wideband sources is derived, which is minimized subject to the guaranteed communication quality of service (QoS) for each user. Based on the proposed ISAC framework, sparse transceiver array and the precoding matrix are jointly optimized to reduce mutual coupling and system overhead. The problem is relaxed to a convex optimization and solved iteratively. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed wideband near-field ISAC framework can well support both modalities and that the sparse transceiver improves the sensing accuracy without sacrificing the communication performance.
Deep Unrolled Single Snapshot Phase Retrieval via Non-Convex Formulation and Phase Mask Design
Andrés JerezJuan EstupiñánJorge BaccaHenry Arguello
Keywords:Optical imagingSignal processing algorithmsOptical sensorsOptical diffractionOptical signal processingHolographyEstimationPhase RetrievalNonconvex FormulationMask DesignPhase MaskNeural NetworkExperimental SetupDeep NetworkDeep Neural NetworkGradient DescentDeep ModelsPhase InformationSingle ProjectSpatial Light ModulatorDeep Neural Network ParametersPhase Retrieval AlgorithmGradient Descent ApproachOptimization ProblemElectromagnetic FieldLinearly PolarizedSmooth FunctionNetwork RecoveryPeak Signal-to-noise RatioStructural Similarity Index MeasureConvex FormNetwork MethodFashion-MNISTDeep ArchitectureDiscrete Fourier Transform MatrixRecovery ModelBenchmark AlgorithmsCoded diffraction patternsend-to-end optimizationphase maskphase retrievalunrolled networksand deep learning
Abstracts:Phase retrieval (PR) consists of recovering the phase information from captured intensity measurements, known as coded diffraction patterns (CDPs). Non-convex algorithms for addressing the PR problem require a proper initialization that is refined through a gradient descent approach. These PR algorithms have proven to be robust for different scenarios. Despite deep models showing surprising results in this area, these approaches lack interpretability in their neural architectures. This work proposes unrolling the initialization and iterative reconstruction algorithm for the PR problem using the near-field model based on a non-convex formulation; resulting in an interpretable deep neural network (DNN) that can be trained in an end-to-end (E2E) manner. Furthermore, the proposed method can jointly optimize the phase mask for the CDP acquisition and the DNN parameters. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed E2E method provides high-quality reconstruction using a learned phase mask from a single projection. Also, the proposed method is tested over an experimental optical setup that incorporates the learned phase mask via an only-phase spatial light modulator.
RIS-Enabled NLoS Near-Field Joint Position and Velocity Estimation Under User Mobility
Moustafa RahalBenoit DenisMusa Furkan KeskinBernard UguenHenk Wymeersch
Keywords:EstimationNoise measurementLocation awarenessThree-dimensional displaysReconfigurable intelligent surfaces6G mobile communicationVectorsPosition EstimationVelocity EstimationSurface ReflectanceDoppler ShiftIterative RefinementUser EquipmentPilot SymbolsSmall Angle ApproximationRoot Mean Square ErrorMaximum Likelihood EstimationCommunication NetworkEstimation AlgorithmLinear ApproximationVelocity VectorSignal ModelPosition ErrorWavefrontGeometric ModelKey Performance Indicators3D PositionVelocity ParametersRefinement AlgorithmNear-field RegionPositional RefinementModel MismatchCoarse EstimationVelocity ErrorSmall-scale EffectsGrid SearchMaximum likelihood estimationmmWavenear-fieldNLoSreconfigurable intelligent surfaces
Abstracts:In the context of single-base station (BS) non-line-of-sight (NLoS) single-epoch localization with the aid of a reflective reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), this paper introduces a novel three-step algorithm that jointly estimates the position and velocity of a mobile user equipment (UE), while compensating for the Doppler effects observed in near-field (NF) at the RIS elements over the short transmission duration of a sequence of downlink (DL) pilot symbols. First, a low-complexity initialization procedure is proposed, relying in part on far-field (FF) approximation and a static user assumption. Then, an alternating optimization procedure is designed to iteratively refine the velocity and position estimates, as well as the channel gain. The refinement routines leverage small angle approximations and the linearization of the RIS response, accounting for both NF and mobility effects. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm through extensive simulations under diverse operating conditions with regard to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), UE mobility, uncontrolled multipath and RIS-UE distance. Our results reveal remarkable performance improvements over the state-of-the-art (SoTA) mobility-agnostic benchmark algorithm, while indicating convergence of the proposed algorithm to respective theoretical bounds on position and velocity estimation.
Modeling and Analysis of Near-Field ISAC
Boqun ZhaoChongjun OuyangYuanwei LiuXingqi ZhangH. Vincent Poor
Keywords:SensorsUplinkDownlinkAperture antennasAntenna arraysVectorsChannel modelsIntegrated Sensing And CommunicationNumerical ResultsPrecise ModelAntenna ArrayChannel ModelCommunication RateEffective ApertureNear-field RegionAccuracy Of ModelElectromagnetic WaveFar-fieldCommunication PerformancePath LossPower ResourcesCommunication SignalsPerformance In CasesArray ElementsChannel GainWave ModelLoss Of PolarityPolarization MismatchBeamforming VectorSuccessive Interference CancellationSpherical WaveEcho SignalLarge-scale ArrayAsymptotic PerformanceAntenna PolarizationNear-field EffectsAntenna ApertureChannel modeleffective apertureintegrated sensing and communications (ISAC)near fieldperformance analysispolarization mismatch
Abstracts:As technologies envisioned for next-generation wireless networks significantly extend the near-field region, it is of interest to reevaluate integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) with an appropriate channel model to account for the effects introduced by the near field. In this article, a near-field ISAC framework is proposed for both downlink and uplink scenarios based on such a channel model. We consider a base station equipped with a uniform planar array, and the impacts of the effective aperture and polarization of antennas are considered. For the downlink case, three distinct designs are studied: a communications-centric (C-C) design, a sensing-centric (S-C) design, and a Pareto optimal design. Regarding the uplink case, the C-C design, the S-C design and a time-sharing strategy are considered. Within each design, sensing rates (SRs) and communication rates (CRs) are derived. To gain further insights, high signal-to-noise ratio slopes and rate scaling laws concerning the number of antennas are examined. The attainable near-field SR-CR regions of ISAC and the baseline frequency-division S&C are also characterized. Numerical results reveal that, as the number of antennas in the array grows, the SRs and CRs under our model converge to finite values, while those under conventional far- and near-field models exhibit unbounded growth, highlighting the importance of precise channel modeling for near-field ISAC.
Introduction to the Special Issue Near-Field Signal Processing: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications
Ahmet M. ElbirKumar Vijay MishraÖzlem Tuğfe DemirEmil BjörnsonAngel Lozano
Keywords:Special issues and sectionsNear field communicationAlgorithm design and analysisSignal ProcessingNear-field SignalWirelessSparsitySignal ModelSpectral ImagingAntenna ArraySignal SourcePosition EstimationVelocity EstimationChannel EstimationJoint VelocitySteering VectorPhase RetrievalOrthogonal Matching PursuitReconfigurable Intelligent SurfaceHolographic ImagesArray ApertureNear Field CommunicationMulti-user Communication
Beam-Delay Domain Channel Estimation for mmWave XL-MIMO Systems
Hongwei HouXuan HeTianhao FangXinping YiWenjin WangShi Jin
Keywords:Channel estimationMillimeter wave communicationSymbolsEstimationVectorsAntenna arraysSignal processing algorithmsChannel EstimationXL-MIMO SystemsBenchmarkComputational ComplexityEnergy MinimizationEstimation AlgorithmOutput StagePerturbation ParameterTransmission BandwidthDiscrete GridTwo-stage AlgorithmArray ApertureChannel Estimation AlgorithmNear-field EffectsScatterersAntenna ArrayChannel ModelDirac DeltaSparse RepresentationLagrangian MethodNormalized Mean Square ErrorPosterior Probability Density FunctionOrthogonal Matching PursuitMinimum Mean Square Error EstimatorPilot SymbolsNear-field RegionOrthogonal Frequency Division MultiplexingOrthogonal Matching Pursuit AlgorithmReference AntennaConsistency ConstraintChannel estimationmillimeter-waveextremely large antenna arraynear-field effectbeam-squint effect
Abstracts:This paper investigates the uplink channel estimation of the millimeter-wave (mmWave) extremely large-scale multiple-input-multiple-output (XL-MIMO) communication system in the beam-delay domain, taking into account the near-field and beam-squint effects due to the transmission bandwidth and array aperture growth. Specifically, we model spatial-frequency domain channels in the beam-delay domain to explore inter-antenna and inter-subcarrier correlations. Within this model, the frequency-dependent hybrid-field beam domain steering vectors are introduced to describe the near-field and beam-squint effects. The independent and non-identically distributed Bernoulli-Gaussian models with unknown prior hyperparameters are employed to capture the sparsity in the beam-delay domain, posing a challenge for channel estimation. Under the constrained Bethe free energy minimization framework, we design different structures and constraints on trial beliefs to develop hybrid message passing (HMP) algorithms, thus achieving efficient joint estimation of beam-delay domain channel and prior hyperparameters. To further improve the model accuracy, the multidimensional grid point perturbation (MDGPP)-based representation is presented, which assigns individual perturbation parameters to each multidimensional discrete grid. By treating the MDGPP parameters as unknown hyperparameters, we propose the two-stage HMP algorithm for MDGPP-based channel estimation, where the output of the initial stage is pruned for the refinement stage to reduce the computational complexity. Numerical simulations demonstrate the significant superiority of the proposed algorithm over benchmarks with both near-field and beam-squint effects.
Near-Field Multiuser Communications Based on Sparse Arrays
Kangjian ChenChenhao QiGeoffrey Ye LiOctavia A. Dobre
Keywords:Antenna arraysAntennasChannel estimationArray signal processingVectorsOptimizationLinear antenna arraysMulti-user CommunicationSpatial ResolutionOptimization AlgorithmAntenna ArrayChannel EstimationSum RateCommunication RateAntenna PositionOrthogonal Matching PursuitAntenna SpacingChannel SparsityNear Field CommunicationOrthogonal Matching Pursuit AlgorithmMatching Pursuit AlgorithmElectromagnetic WaveCommunication PerformanceBeamformingRadiation FieldPropagation DistanceSparse RepresentationArray ApertureMinimum Mean Square ErrorAdjacent AntennasChannel PathSteepest Descent MethodBeam FocusingHardware CostNormalized Mean Square ErrorIllustration In FigNear-field EffectsAntenna position optimizationchannel estimationnear-field multiuser communicationssparse arrayssuccessive convex approximation
Abstracts:This paper considers near-field multiuser communications based on sparse arrays (SAs). First, for the uniform SAs (USAs), we analyze the beam gains of channel steering vectors, which shows that increasing the antenna spacings can effectively improve the spatial resolution of the antenna arrays to enhance the sum rate of multiuser communications. Then, we investigate nonuniform SAs (NSAs) to mitigate the high multiuser interference from the grating lobes of the USAs. To maximize the sum rate of near-field multiuser communications, we optimize the antenna positions of the NSAs, where a successive convex approximation-based antenna position optimization algorithm is proposed. Moreover, we find that the channels of both the USAs and the NSAs show uniform sparsity in the defined surrogate distance-angle (SD-A) domain. Based on the channel sparsity, an on-grid SD-A-domain orthogonal matching pursuit (SDA-OMP) algorithm is developed to estimate multiuser channels. To further improve the resolution of the SDA-OMP, we also design an off-grid SD-A-domain iterative super-resolution channel estimation algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed methods.
Holographic Localization With Synthetic Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Ziyi WangZhenyu LiuYuan ShenAndrea ContiMoe Z. Win
Keywords:Location awarenessWidebandScatteringFading channelsWireless communicationReconfigurable intelligent surfacesTransmitting antennasDirective antennasCouplingsAperture antennasHolographicReconfigurable Intelligent SurfaceDegrees Of FreedomPhase ResponsePosition InformationSignal ModelFisher InformationModel CallsNumber Of ObservationsFrequency BandLocal SystemSignaling ComponentsElectromagnetic WaveCentral WavelengthPositive PartBlock Diagonal MatrixPosition Of AgentInterval ObserverFisher Information MatrixPerturbation LevelReconfigurable Intelligent Surface ElementsSurface NormalsRx AntennaFisher informationlocalizationnear-field propagationnext-generation networksreconfigurable intelligent surfaceswideband system
Abstracts:Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are proposed to control complex wireless environments in next-generation networks. In particular, wideband RISs can play a key role in high-accuracy location awareness, which calls for models that consider the frequency-selectivity of metasurfaces. This paper presents a general signal model for wideband systems with RISs and establishes a Fisher information analysis to determine the theoretical limits of wideband localization with RISs. In addition, synthetic RISs are proposed to mitigate the multiplicative fading effect caused by the scattering property of RISs. Special scenarios including complete coupling and complete decoupling are further investigated. Results show that with the proposed models, a wideband RIS with a polynomial phase response per element provides more position information than those with more degrees of freedom (DOFs) in piecewise-constant phase response per element. Furthermore, velocity-induced information allows a dynamic RIS to provide more position information than a static RIS. Additionally, a dynamic RIS can be synthesized through multiple measurements to outperform a large one.