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IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

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Call for Papers: IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Special Issue on Human-Cyber-Physical Systems for Intelligent Manufacturing
Abstracts:Prospective authors are requested to submit new, unpublished manuscripts for inclusion in the upcoming event described in this call for papers.
List of Reviewers for 2021/2022
Yu Sun
Keywords:IEEE publishing
Abstracts:The IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE) wishes to thank the 1649 reviewers over the past year who have performed an essential role in maintaining the quality of this publication. T-ASE strives for the 90–90 standard, i.e., 90% of articles should be reviewed within 90 days of submission. The review process starts when the Editor-in-Chief assigns the paper to an Editor, who assigns it to an Associate Editor (AE). The AE then obtains confirmation from three to five reviewers, carefully studies the results, and makes a recommendation to the Editor, who then makes a decision that is reported back to the lead author. This review process is very demanding, especially under time constraints. We have summarized the process under “Guidelines for T-ASE Editors and AEs for Handling Papers” on our website. I am pleased to report that submissions have steadily increased (over 1300 in 2021) and our impact factor is now 6.636, a 30.55% increase over the past year. As we strive to increase the quality and impact of the journal, we rely on the hard work of our reviewers and members of the Editorial Board. To those dedicated volunteers, and to anyone who may have been inadvertently omitted from the following list, we extend our sincere appreciation.
Learning and Generalizing Cooperative Manipulation Skills Using Parametric Dynamic Movement Primitives
Hyoin KimChangsuk OhInkyu JangSungyong ParkHoseong SeoH. Jin Kim
Keywords:Robot programmingManipulatorsManipulator dynamicsComplexity theoryReal-time systemsMotion planningMotion-planningmanipulator motion-planningmobile robot motion-planningrobot programmingmultiple manipulatorslearning from demonstrationmotion representation algorithmparametric dynamic movement primitivesdynamic movement primitivesmobile manipulation
Abstracts:This paper presents an approach that generates the overall trajectory of mobile manipulators for a complex mission consisting of several sub-tasks. Parametric dynamic movement primitives (PDMPs) can quickly generalize the online motion of robot manipulation by learning multiple demonstrations in offline. However, regarding complex missions consisting of multiple sub-tasks, a large number of demonstrations are required for full generalization, which is impractical. In this paper, we propose a framework that reduces the number of demonstrations for a complex mission. In the proposed method, complex demonstrations are segmented into multiple unit motions representing sub-tasks, and one PDMP is formed per each segment, resulting in multiple PDMPs. The phase decision process determines which sub-task and associated PDMPs to be executed online, allowing multiple PDMPs to be autonomously configured within an integrated framework. In order to generalize the execution time and regional goal in each phase, the Gaussian process regression (GPR) is applied. Simulation results from two different scenarios confirm that the proposed framework not only effectively reduces the number of demonstrations but also improves generalization performance. The actual experiments also demonstrate that the mobile manipulators effectively perform complex missions through the proposed framework. Note to Practitioners—This paper presents an approach of learning from demonstration (LfD) to generalize complex movements of robots. Parametric dynamic movement primitives (PDMPs) compute styles of movements from multiple demonstrations. However, the complexity of the PDMP increases as the mission involves more sub-tasks. In this paper, we resolve this issue by segmenting the complex mission into multiple sub-tasks and configuring multiple PDMPs. This work effectively reduces the number of required demonstrations for PDMPs, moderates the complexity of the algorithm. Also, the proposed- approach allows flexible sub-task sequencing. It enables the mission in an unlearned sequence or a new combination of sub-tasks. The proposed approach is validated in both simulation and experimental results. Our approach is applicable for complex missions whose sub-tasks are clearly identified
Improvement of an Industrial Robotic Flaw Detection System
Riyadh Nazar Ali AlgburiHongli GaoZaid Al-Huda
Keywords:RobotsService robotsRobot sensing systemsRobot kinematicsSpectral analysisFault diagnosisSingular spectrum analysishierarchical hyper-Laplacian prioran industrial robot fault diagnosis
Abstracts:Rotary encoders are commonly used for dynamic control and positioning of industrial robots. Results of this study suggested that rotary encoder signal can also be used to monitor the efficiency of industrial robot systems effectively after proper processing. A novel strategy using singular spectrum analysis (SSA) integrated with hierarchical hyper-Laplacian prior prototype (HHLP) is proposed in this study for defect detection in industrial robots. Sparsity-assisted techniques are efficient flaw-based extraction techniques that have been extensively investigated in recent years. However, the selection of an appropriate sparse prior from the point of view of probability theory remains unverified. First, SSA enables the separation of complicated encoding signals to several interpretable components, including a trend, a set of cyclic oscillations, and residual oscillations (noise). Second, we describe HHLP by maximizing posterior probability of robot flaw diagnosis. HHLP is proposed to extract noise interference, cyclic pulse, and harmonic interference from the residual signal using the SSA technique. We infer that the hyper-Laplacian prior in the prototype may present a more efficient prototype flaw than the Laplacian prior. In addition, HHLP incorporates physical characteristics necessary to distinguish harmonic intervention. This study primarily establishes a modern prototype that represents the former dispersed from the perspective of maximizing the probability of the latter. Meanwhile, generalized minimax-concave regularization inductive and kurtosis-based weighted sparse prototypes are compared and spectral kurtosis is used to confirm the efficacy of HHLP. Note to Practitioners—This study aims to solve the problem of industrial robot fault diagnosis during the operation process to avoid production delays. Rotary encoder sensor is attached to each joint to collect raw information and identify the robot position. Data from the rotary encoder sens- r can also be used for the efficient health status assessment of the performance of the industrial robot system after proper processing. Therefore, a new approach using singular spectrum analysis combined with hierarchical hyper-Laplacian pre-induced prototype is proposed in this study. The residual signal extracted using the singular spectrum analysis method for processing in a hierarchical hyper-Laplacian pre-induced prototype is used to improve the weak fault feature. We describe a hierarchical hyper-Laplacian preprototype by maximizing the posterior probability of the flaw diagnosis. We introduce a hierarchical hyper-Laplacian prior that integrates physical characteristics to distinguish between harmonic interferences. The distribution of coefficients acquired through other dictionaries or transformations and selection of the optimal priority for the extraction of flaw characteristics will be the foci of future investigations.
A Quality-Related Fault Detection Method Based on the Dynamic Data-Driven Algorithm for Industrial Systems
Cheng-Yuan SunYi-Zhen YinHao-Bo KangHong-Jun Ma
Keywords:Fault detectionKernelMonitoringNonlinear dynamical systemsEntropyPrincipal component analysisDynamic featurequality-relatedfault detectionKECADKECR
Abstracts:For nearly a decade, quality-related fault detection algorithms have been widely used in industrial systems. However, the majority of these detection strategies rely on static assumptions of the operating environment. In this paper, taking the time series of variables into consideration, a dynamic kernel entropy component regression (DKECR) framework is proposed to address the instability of quality-related fault detection due to the existing dynamic characteristics. Compared with the typical kernel entropy component analysis method, the proposed method constructs the relationship between process states and quality states to further interpret the direct effect on the product taken by the fault. In the proposed approach, process measurements are converted to a lower-dimensional subspace with a specific angular structure that is more comprehensive than traditional subspace approaches. In addition, the angular statistics and their relevant thresholds are exploited to enhance the quality-related fault detection performance. Finally, the proposed method will be compared with three methods by means of a numerical example and two industrial scenarios to demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness. Note to Practitioners—This paper studies a quality-related fault detection problem for the dynamic nonlinear industrial system. Controlling and measuring the quality state is challenging for the high-level monitoring system of the manufacturing process due to the nonlinear dynamic feature in states. This paper proposes a new data-driven method based on the kernel entropy component analysis method to assess the correlation between the quality and fault in the industrial system, reducing unnecessary overhaul and maintenance. Based on the autoregressive moving average exogenous algorithm, the proposed method captures the dynamic interaction between the process states to decrease false alarms. In the experimental section, the DKECR method outperforms the compar- d approaches, which can provide stable fault detection results. Additionally, the unique angle structure of the proposed method can supply more information for engineers’ monitoring needs.
Decentralized Navigation of a UAV Team for Collaborative Covert Eavesdropping on a Group of Mobile Ground Nodes
Hailong HuangAndrey V. SavkinWei Ni
Keywords:SurveillanceTrajectory planningAutonomous aerial vehiclesEavesdroppingWireless communicationPredictive controlWireless communicationsradio surveillancemodel predictive control (MPC)decentralized controlunmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)trajectory planning
Abstracts:Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly applied to surveillance tasks, thanks to their excellent mobility and flexibility. Different from existing works using UAVs for video surveillance, this paper employs a UAV team to carry out collaborative radio surveillance on ground moving nodes and disguise the purpose of surveillance. We consider two aspects of disguise. The first is that the UAVs do not communicate with each other (or the ground nodes can notice), and each UAV plans its trajectory in a decentralized way. The other aspect of disguise is that the UAVs avoid being noticed by the nodes for which a metric quantifying the disguising performance is adopted. We present a new decentralized method for the online trajectory planning of the UAVs, which maximizes the disguising metric while maintaining uninterrupted surveillance and avoiding UAV collisions. Based on the model predictive control (MPC) technique, our method allows each UAV to separately estimate the locations of the UAVs and the ground nodes, and decide its trajectory accordingly. The impact of potential estimation errors is mitigated by incorporating the error bounds into the online trajectory planning, hence achieving a robust control of the trajectories. Computer-based simulation results demonstrate that the developed strategy ensures the surveillance requirement without losing disguising performance, and outperforms existing alternatives. Note to Practitioners—The paper is motivated by the covertness requirement in the radio surveillance (also called eavesdropping) by UAVs. In some situations, the UAV user (such as the police department) wishes to disguise the surveillance intention from the targets, and the trajectories of UAVs play a significant role in the disguising. However, the typical UAV trajectories such as standoff tracking and orbiting can easily be noticed by the targets. Considering this gap, we focus on how to plan the UAVs’ trajectories s- that they are less noticeable while conducting effective eavesdropping. We formulate a path planning problem aiming at maximizing a disguising metric, which measures the magnitude of the relative position change between a UAV and a target. A decentralized method is proposed for the online trajectory planning of the UAVs based on MPC, and its robust version is also presented to account for the uncertainty in the estimation and prediction of the nodes’ states.
Anisotropic GPMP2: A Fast Continuous-Time Gaussian Processes Based Motion Planner for Unmanned Surface Vehicles in Environments With Ocean Currents
Jiawei MengYuanchang LiuRichard BucknallWeihong GuoZe Ji
Keywords:Motion planningPath planningGaussian processesProbabilistic logicMarine vehiclesUnmanned surface vehiclesocean currentsanisotropycontinuous-time motion planningGaussian process
Abstracts:In the past decade, there is an increasing interest in the deployment of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) for undertaking ocean missions in dynamic, complex maritime environments. The success of these missions largely relies on motion planning algorithms that can generate optimal navigational trajectories to guide a USV. Apart from minimising the distance of a path, when deployed a USVs’ motion planning algorithms also need to consider other constraints such as energy consumption, the affected of ocean currents as well as the fast collision avoidance capability. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm named anisotropic GPMP2 to revolutionise motion planning for USVs based upon the fundamentals of GP (Gaussian process) motion planning (GPMP, or its updated version GPMP2). Firstly, we integrated the anisotropy into GPMP2 to make the generated trajectories follow ocean currents where necessary to reduce energy consumption on resisting ocean currents. Secondly, to further improve the computational speed and trajectory quality, a dynamic fast GP interpolation is integrated in the algorithm. Finally, the new algorithm has been validated on a WAM-V 20 USV in a ROS environment to show the practicability of anisotropic GPMP2. Note to Practitioners—The work reported in this article will be significant for USVs to conduct missions in complex, dynamic maritime environments where various obstacles and time-varying ocean currents exit. We develop this novel motion planning algorithm based on Gaussian process and optimise the trajectory using probabilistic inferences. The new algorithm can generate collision free trajectories that also minimise the influences caused by adverse ocean currents in a highly efficient way. In addition, the planning has been undertaken in a continuous-time domain making the generated trajectory have a guaranteed smoothness and readily feasible for autopilots to track. We use a coastal area with time-varying vorte- es to present a challenging practical maritime environment. The presented algorithm integrates the available information about a fluid field regarding energy consumption and hazard level, along with the density of obstacles to plan a navigational route efficiently. To increase the practical performance of the proposed method, diverse models for generating ocean currents need to be developed in the future to tackle unpredictable situations.
A Novel Contact State Estimation Method for Robot Manipulation Skill Learning via Environment Dynamics and Constraints Modeling
Xing LiuPanfeng HuangZhengxiong Liu
Keywords:Intelligent robotsManipulator dynamicsHidden Markov modelsLearning systemsState estimationRobot manipulation skill learningcontact state estimationenvironment dynamics modellinggeometric constraints modellingactive exploration
Abstracts:Nowadays the robot manipulation skills are usually learned by human demonstration via trajectory-level learning, which somewhat lacks robustness and generalization. In this paper, we propose a novel contact state level learning method for robot manipulation skill acquisition via human demonstration. The robot-environment contact states are described via environment dynamics modelling and geometric constraints modelling for flexible contact and rigid contact cases, respectively. During human demonstration process, the robot-environment interaction force, the robot position, and velocity data are collected. After that, the environment dynamics and geometric constraints modelling methods are presented to determine the contact state changes during the robot manipulation process. Then the robot manipulator learns the contact state information rather than specific manipulation trajectory. On this basis, the manipulation control law using active exploration method is presented to control the robot during the button pressing process and peg-hole-insertion process, respectively. Finally, the performance of the presented methodology has been verified via experimental studies. Note to Practitioners—Intelligent robots will become the right assistants of human beings in the future, especially in various areas of manipulation occasions. The important premise of realizing this vision is that the robots should have certain ability of manipulation skill learning. A lot of research has been carried out in this field, many of which are focusing on trajectory level manipulation skill learning and reproduction. Other than the trajectory level learning, human beings can learn many other higher levels of manipulation skills, such as the contact state level and semantic level learning, which makes the learning results more robust and general. In this paper, the contact state estimation and learning method via environment dynamics and geometric constraints modelling is p- esented to learn the robot manipulation skill based on the contact state transition conditions. In this way, the robot needs less data in the skill learning process, and the trajectory level learning is avoided. After learning the contact state level manipulation skill, the lower trajectory level command is autonomously generated. Experiments on button pressing and peg-hole-insertion tasks by KUKA iiwa robot have obtained very good results. Other than the button pressing and peg-hole-insertion tasks, the presented methodology can be applied to many other manipulation tasks, as long as there are contact state changes in the manipulation process. The work of this paper lays a foundation for the robot learning of higher-level manipulation skills.
Data-Driven Fault Detection in Industrial Batch Processes Based on a Stochastic Hybrid Process Model
Stefan Windmann
Keywords:Hidden Markov modelsFault detectionStochastic processesProcess monitoringFault diagnosisprocess monitoringHidden Markov Models
Abstracts:This paper presents a novel fault detection approach for industrial batch processes. The batch processes under consideration are characterized by the interaction between discrete system modes and non-stationary continuous dynamics. Therefore, a stochastic hybrid process model (SHPM) is introduced, where process variables are modeled as time-variant Gaussian distributions, which depend on hidden system modes. Transitions between the system modes are assumed to be either autonomous or to be triggered by observable events such as on/off signals. The model parameters are determined from training data using expectation-maximization techniques. A new fault detection algorithm is proposed, which assesses the likelihoods of sensor signals on the basis of the stochastic hybrid process model. Evaluation of the proposed fault detection system has been conducted for a penicillin production process, with the results showing a significant improvement over the existing baseline methods.Note to Practitioners—Automatic fault detection makes it possible to limit the effects of faults by taking countermeasures at an early stage. In this work, a data-driven fault detection method for industrial batch processes is proposed, in which the underlying process model is learned from training data. The proposed fault detection system can be used for various industrial batch processes without the need for complex and error-prone manual configuration. In contrast to many other data-driven approaches such as neural networks, only a few process cycles are required to create a robust process model. It should be noted that in data-driven fault detection methods, the training data should cover a large part of the process states that occur during error-free process cycles. The developed method is therefore particularly suitable for cyclical processes, which, however, can have alternative process paths and variability between the process cycles.
Explainable Hierarchical Imitation Learning for Robotic Drink Pouring
Dandan ZhangQiang LiYu ZhengLei WeiDongsheng ZhangZhengyou Zhang
Keywords:RobotsTask analysisContainersService robotsDecision makingData modelsLiquidsRobotic pouringimitation learningmodel learningservice robots
Abstracts:To accurately pour drinks into various containers is an essential skill for service robots. However, drink pouring is a dynamic process and difficult to model. Traditional deep imitation learning techniques for implementing autonomous robotic pouring have an inherent black-box effect and require a large amount of demonstration data for model training. To address these issues, an Explainable Hierarchical Imitation Learning (EHIL) method is proposed in this paper such that a robot can learn high-level general knowledge and execute low-level actions across multiple drink pouring scenarios. Moreover, with the EHIL method, a logical graph can be constructed for task execution, through which the decision-making process for action generation can be made explainable to users and the causes of failure can be traced out. Based on the logical graph, the framework is manipulable to achieve different targets while the adaptability to unseen scenarios can be achieved in an explainable manner. A series of experiments have been conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Results indicate that EHIL outperforms the traditional behavior cloning method in terms of success rate, adaptability, manipulability, and explainability. Note to Practitioners—Pouring liquids is a common activity in people’s daily lives and all wet-lab industries. Drink pouring dynamic control is difficult to model, while the accurate perception of flow is challenging. To enable the robot to learn under unknown dynamics via observing the human demonstration, deep imitation learning can be used. To address the limitations of traditional deep neural networks, an Explainable Hierarchical Imitation Learning (EHIL) method is proposed in this paper. The proposed method enables the robot to learn a sequence of reasonable pouring phases for performing the task rather than simply execute the task via traditional behavior cloning. In this way, explainability and safet- can be ensured. Manipulability can be achieved by reconstructing the logical graph. The target of this research is to obtain pouring dynamics via the learning method and realize the precise and quick pouring of drink from the source containers to various targeted containers with reliable performance, adaptability, manipulability, and explainability.
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