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Prize activities (有奖互动活动)

The 2nd Global High-Quality Engineering Project Collection Activity(第二届全球优质工程案例征集行动)

Introduction: Human beings have experienced different times from thatched cottages to high-rise buildings, from dirt roads to expressways, and from carriages to airplanes. It is these engineering projects that witnessed the development of human civilization. To record the history of mankind and make it easier for people to access engineering information, The International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the auspices of UNESCO has officially launched its 2nd Global High-Quality Engineering Project Collection Activity on June 8, 2021.

We are collecting uploaded contents till August 16, 2021. You are welcomed to participate and win our special prizes!

Source: IKCEST General Platform

Release date: Jun. 2021

Provided by: Cai Lingli, Zhang Xinxing, Guo Yifei

The 2nd Unveil the Beauty of the Silk Road Activity(第二届点亮一带一路 寻找丝路之“美”活动)

Introduction: For thousands of years the wind blew, on thousands of kilometres camel bells rang. The Silk Road extends across breath-taking scenery, representing glory rarely known by the rest of the world. The International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the auspices of UNESCO, has launched its 2nd Content Collection Activity themed Unveil the Beauty of the Silk Road, aiming at pooling the "beauty" of and promoting information exchange among countries along the Belt and Road.

The activity is on from June 8 to August 16, 2021. You are welcomed to share with the rest of the world stunning scenery of your country and win special prizes!

Source: IKCEST General Platform

Release date: Jun. 2021

Provided by: Cai Lingli, Zhang Xinxing, Guo Yifei


Table of Contents

Scientific Data

1.Heat wave loss in CPEC

2.Soil degradation data set with 30 m spatial resolution in the Yellow River Delta

3.Latest Global CityIQ Ranking

Knowledge application

1.The World Rank of Bulgaria University

2.Information Retrieval based on World Countries and Regions Map


1.Thinking about Getting an Arduino

2.Formulation of a new international DRR research agenda toward 2030 - an update from IRDR

3.Artificial Intelligence and Applications

4.Planning discipline and education: adapting to the transition from urban and rural planning to territorial space planning

Silk Road Sciences and Technology Knowledge Service ( SRST )

Knowledge application (知识应用)

The World Rank of Bulgaria University(“一带一路”高校排名-保加利亚)

Introduction: A knowledge application for comprehensive display and inquiry of Pakistan University is built to comprehensively display four internationally recognized world university rankings, such as QS, THE, US News and ARWU rankings.

Source: Silk Road Sciences and Technology Knowledge Service

Release date: Jun. 2021

Provided by: Zhang Qianglong

Video (视频课件)

Thinking about Getting an Arduino(关于得到一个阿尔杜伊诺的思考)

Introduction: Hat is an Arduino and why should you care? In this video, I attempt to answer that question, and more. If you're an absolute beginner to Arduino, or are just curious about the magical device everyone is raving about, you should watch this. Seriously. Watch it.

Source: Silk Road Sciences and Technology Knowledge Service

Release date: Jun. 2021

Provided by: Liu Jun

Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service ( DRR )

Scientific Data (科学数据)

Heat wave loss in CPEC(中巴经济走廊高温热浪灾害损失数据集)

Introduction: Based on multi-source data such as heat wave, population, GDP, NDVI, hospital distribution and "risk-expo-vulnerability" framework, the degree of heat wave loss and risk data set of CPEC were evaluated. This data set shows the degree and risk of heat wave loss in CPEC, helps users understand the temporal and spatial distribution of heat wave loss degree and risk in this region.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: Oct. 2020

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

Soil degradation data set with 30 m spatial resolution in the Yellow River Delta(黄河三角洲30 m空间分辨率土壤退化数据集)

Introduction: Based on landsat8 oil multispectral data with 30 meters spatial resolution in 2015 and 2019, the data set of soil degradation degree in the Yellow River Delta was evaluated by combining the feature space method. The data set shows the degree of soil degradation in the Yellow River Delta region, helps users understand the spatial and temporal distribution of soil degradation degree in the region.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: Jan. 2021

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

Knowledge application (知识应用)

Information Retrieval based on World Countries and Regions Map(基于国家和地区的地图信息检索)

Introduction: This knowledge application shows basic national information about the countries in the Belt and Road. The basic geographical national information includes three categories, namely, basic national condition, natural resources, politics and economy.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: 2019

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

Video (视频课件)

Formulation of a new international DRR research agenda toward 2030 - an update from IRDR(关于面向2030及之后的防灾减灾新议程的若干问题 - IRDR IPO)

Introduction: International Project Office of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IPO-IRDR) introduced the new 2030 international research agenda for disaster risk reduction, history, progress and gap cases of disaster risk reduction in the past 30 years, new efforts of IRDR, original tasks of IRDR and new background of DRR.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: Jan. 2021

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

Intelligent City Knowledge Service (ICITY)

Scientific Data (科学数据)

Latest Global CityIQ Ranking(最新全球城市IQ排名)

Introduction: The CityIQ column aims at developing a data model to provide evaluation services for global cities, undertaking sustainable development research tasks, relating to themes of urban planing, transportation, environment, safety and encouraging cities to provide data and best practices to support database construction and to improve the worldwide competences of city database and city evaluation system.

Source: Intelligent City Knowledge Service

Release date: Jun. 2021

Provided by: CAO Buyang

Video (视频课件)

Artificial Intelligence and Applications(人工智能及其应用)

Introduction: Prof. Otthein Herzog, academician of German Academy of engineering and member of German Computer Association. Since 2015, he has been invited to serve as visiting professor of Tongji University Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Intelligent Planning Collaborative Innovation Center. In 2019, he was rated as "the top ten most influential figures in the history of artificial intelligence in Germany" by the Federal Ministry of education and research. At present, he is also a member of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Strategy Advisory Expert Committee and the UNESCO International Engineering Science and Technology Knowledge Center Advisory Committee.

Source: Intelligent City Knowledge Service

Release date: May 2021

Provided by: LI Xiang

Planning discipline and education: adapting to the transition from urban and rural planning to territorial space planning(规划学科和教育:适应从城乡规划到国土空间规划的转变)

Introduction: Professor Sun Shiwen discusses the main transformation from urban and rural planning to land and space planning from the perspective of planning system, object, content and management and control mode; the orientation of urban and rural planning discipline should be multi-disciplinary of land and space planning. He also suggests we should improve the overall framework of planning from the three levels of ontology, epistemology and methodology, establish a complete logic chain of strategy strategy policy measures, enhance the thinking ability of transformation, improvement and problem-solving.

Source: Intelligent City Knowledge Service

Release date: Jun. 2021

Provided by: LI Xiang